Ashley Dupree on Tiger: You sleep w/ married man, you help him stay married

Elliot Spitzers high priced hooker, Ashley Dupree, claims that she quit the sex-selling business after it came out that she was the woman behind the Governors resignation. Dupree, 24, hasnt stayed quiet since the scandal broke, but she hasnt cashed in with a nude photo shoot or tell all book either, and shes been really

Elliot Spitzer’s high priced hooker, Ashley Dupree, claims that she quit the sex-selling business after it came out that she was the woman behind the Governor’s resignation. Dupree, 24, hasn’t stayed quiet since the scandal broke, but she hasn’t cashed in with a nude photo shoot or tell all book either, and she’s been really self righteous about that. In her 20/20 interview last year, she pretty much compared prostitution to dating, and said “This wasn’t any different than going on a date with someone you barely knew and hooking up with them. The only difference is I can pay my rent.” Dupre repeated that claim in a blog entry for Global Grind a few months ago, and basically said that everyone’s relationships were unequal and material-based and at least she was honest about hers. If that’s how Dupre feels about it why doesn’t she just go back to escorting?

Now Extra TV has asked the opinionated possibly ex-call girl what she thinks about the Tiger Woods cheating scandal. She says in a roundabout rather stupid way that the women screwed up by talking about it, and that they should have kept silent. She also recommends that Tiger and Elin go to counseling to work on their relationship, and makes the kind of strange statement that “When you sleep with a married man, you’re helping him stay married.” It seems like Ashlee means that sex outside a marriage either helps it stay strong or somehow enables a guy to act like everything is fine at home as long as he gets some on the side. Either way, it’s an offensive and obnoxious thing to say.

“[She should] take some time to herself, digest everything, go to counseling,” Dupre — the former escort whose relationship with Eliot Spitzer caused him to resign as the governor of New York — tells “Extra.”

“If she really loves him, and they have those bonds… go to therapy, see if you can work it out,” Dupre goes on.

“I believe in love and making it work out,” she adds. “They can do it.”

Dupre doesn’t think the women should have opened up to the press about their affairs with the married golfer.

“I don’t agree with that they’re doing. I don’t agree with coming forward,” says Dupre, who says she never sought out publicity in her case — and felt like she was hunted down and outed.

She goes on, “I mean, he has a family, he has a wife, he has kids. For people who just come out and say things… that’s really wrong. You’re messing with some one else’s life.”

Plus, she adds, “When you sleep with a married man… first of all, you’re only helping them stay married.”

“I’m not trying to stick up for him at all,” she says of Woods.

[From ExtraTV via Jezebel]

So what is she trying to say exactly? I hear her saying that men are going to cheat anyway, that it’s human nature and ultimately helps relationships, and that the other women should keep quiet about it. When the wives find out, they should forgive their cheating husbands. I guess she would feel that way, given the line of work she was in. I doubt she would feel the same if she was the one being cheated on. Why would Extra TV ask Ashley Dupree for relationship advice anyway? It’s not like she has a perspective other than that of the opportunistic hooker willing to sleep with anyone who can pony up the cash.


