Aurora drummer controversy explored as Sigmund is set to be replaced

Singer Auroras drummer Sigmund Vestrheim has left fans disappointed after he was accused of being a Nazi. The latters stage antics and social media activity have come under fire and caused controversy online. Since the topic took over the internet, the Runaway singer and the percussionist in question have taken to Instagram to address the

Singer Aurora’s drummer Sigmund Vestrheim has left fans disappointed after he was accused of being a Nazi. The latter’s stage antics and social media activity have come under fire and caused controversy online. Since the topic took over the internet, the Runaway singer and the percussionist in question have taken to Instagram to address the allegations. Meanwhile, it has also been announced that Vestrheim will not be accompanying the singer on the last part of her Latino-America tour.

Sigmund Vestrheim took to his official Instagram account to apologize to fans and address the Nazi accusations. He said online:

“First of all: OF COURSE I’m not a nazi! My values are love and understanding, and I play music in order to spread these values. My priorities are- and will always be- to meet and treat the people around me with respect and happiness… The whole idea of Aurora having a right-wing person in her band is absurd. I hope everyone can believe me when I say this.”
Sigmund Vestrheim addresses Nazi accusations (Image via sigmundvestrheim/Instagram)

Aurora herself took to her social media account to address the accusations. She said online:

“I would never support my drummer- if these allegations were true… But still mistakes should be apologised for. And lack of knowledge, and ignorance should be apologised for as well. And I do on behalf of everyone in my band apologise for this.”

She also told her followers that she supports her band, including Sigmund Vestrheim, as she is certain that the allegations against him are false.

The Norwegian-singer also announced at the end of her statement that they will be returning to their South American tour with a different drummer as they are “unaware of what to expect.”

Why did fans assume that Aurora’s drummer Sigmund Vestrheim is a Nazi?

The allegations surfaced online after the Cure For Me singer's concert at Lollapalooza in Brazil on March 26. Vestrheim appeared to make a hand gesture during the show, which convinced followers that he was a fascist. However, Aurora and Vestrheim explained that the latter was unaware that the gesture was offensive. They explained that in Norway and many other countries, the sign indicated “great” or “good job.”

A drawing done by the drummer has also resurfaced online. In the same, one can note the number 777 and the Swastika symbol. For those unversed, the three-digit number is also known as the three-bladed swastika that is used to recognize white supremacist groups. Vestrheim explained to his followers that the number is the name of a record label in Norway that he is associated with. The Murder Song singer and him also explained that the number is associated with “luck/fortune” as well. Speaking about the drawing, he explained online:

“It’s just a joke made by a kid with a dark sense of humour. I know it’s not something to joke about and I realize now that this drawing obviously shouldn’t have been published on my Instagram account.”

Aurora explained that the sketch was drawn when the drummer was a teenager and was a “satire drawing.”

The drummer was also accused of being associated with the Nazis when he uploaded a picture online with the phrase, “skinhead rules.” The phrase is linked to members of neo-Nazi groups. Aurora clarified that Vestrheim was referring to the “ANTI racism group called Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice” in reality.

It remains uncertain as to whether Sigmund Vestrheim will return on tour with Aurora in the future. Fans now speculate that her original drummer Magnus Skylstad will continue touring with her.

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