Blue Bloods Recap 04/07/23: Season 13 Episode 17 Smoke & Mirrors

Tonight on CBS their hitdrama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, April 7, 2023, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below. On tonights Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 17Smoke & Mirrors,as per the CBS synopsis, Frank clashes with the Dream Team when one of the members becomes the focus of

Blue Bloods Recap 04/07/23: Season 13 Episode 17 "Smoke & Mirrors"

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, April 7, 2023, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below. On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 17 “Smoke & Mirrors”,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Frank clashes with the Dream Team when one of the members becomes the focus of a departmental investigation. Also, Jamie and Danny team up to investigate a series of carjackings involving one of Danny’s criminal informants.

Eddie and her partner, Badillo (Ian Quinlan), help a woman being stalked by a man she met on a dating app; and Erin is determined to find the culprit behind online attacks on her boss, district attorney Crawford.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Blue Bloods recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Blue Bloods episode, NYPD Captain Duncan was retiring. Sid and Abigail went to the retirement party at a bar. They were enjoying themselves when a belligerent drunk guy bumped into Sid and tried to start a fight. All over a spilt drink of all things. Sid tried to walk away. He even apologized for knocking the man’s drink over.

Only Sergeant Bobby Luco wanted to fight. He tried to assault Sid with Sid’s back turned and Abigail took him down. She saw him as he was gearing up to attack Sid. She stepped in to protect her friend, but she technically committed assault.

It got back to the Commissioner. Frank had heard that a man was assaulted at the retirement party. He asked Sid about it because he knew that Sid planned on attending the party and Sid tried to evade the questioning. He claimed that it would be better for everyone to drop the issue. He said that the supposed victim was belligerent.

He was trying to protect Abigail and she came clean to their boss because she didn’t want to see Sid get in trouble. Abigail copped to the assault. She said she did it to protect Sid and unfortunately she still got in trouble.

Abigail had to turn over her gun and badge while an official investigation was carried out. It was standard practice for someone in her position. Sid also looked into the matter with Garret’s help.

They learned that the bar didn’t have security cameras and that the witnesses were all Luco’s friends. They wanted to put some pressure on Internal Affairs to drop the matter. They went to Frank believing he would agree with them and he turned them down. He didn’t want them interfering in Abigail’s case. Not even to defend her.

Frank said things would have been different if they had come to him before the official investigation. He claimed now his hands were tied and they had to see it through with IA. Which upset the guys.

They love Abigail. They see her as a sister as well as a friend. They wanted to help protect her and they thought Frank was wrong for not doing so. Frank however had to play by the rules. He couldn’t be seen taking sides. His office also couldn’t be seen taking sides. In a lot of ways, Frank was the boy scout that that the family accusing Jamie of being.

Jamie meanwhile worked a case with Danny. Jamie arrested Danny’s C.I. The guy’s name was Bugs and he was suspected in several car thefts. Only Bugs asked for Danny when he got arrested. Danny came on the scene and he knew right away why Bugs was in trouble again. Bugs only got in trouble because of something his brother was doing. His brother Marcus incurred a debt he has to pay off. His old gang sold the debt to a third party. Marcus didn’t know who this third party was or so he claims and so Bugs was helping him pay it off by stealing cars.

Danny and Jamie had the brothers meet up with their contact. They were supposed to get a name on who bought the debt and all Bugs found out was that his brother lied to him. Marcus wasn’t in debt to anyone. He was partners with a man named Reggie. Marcus would steal the cars and Reggie would make them untraceable before selling them. Bugs learned about this when they were talking to Reggie. He told Marcus “That’s not what you told me or those – “. He never got to finish his sentence because Reggie pulled out a gun and demanded to who else has Marcus been talking to.

Reggie pulled a gun on Bugs. Marcus got in the way to defend his brother and the gun went off. The cops came running in, but it was too late to save Marcus’s life. Marcus was now dead. Bugs blamed the cops because he said they made them talk to Reggie. He swore off helping them ever again. Danny lost his CI. It didn’t stop either him or Jamie in looking for Reggie. Danny had warned his father that not everyone is going to like you only he didn’t think he would lose Bugs. His father in the meantime took his advice. He looked into the assault himself.

Frank spoke with Luco. He made Luco recant his story. Abigail will no longer get in trouble and she can return to work. As for Bugs, he popped up again in the investigation. Danny found him with a gun trained to Reggie’s head. Bugs wanted revenge for his brother. Danny had to talk him down and afterwards he had to arrest him. Reggie was also arrested for Marcus’s murder. Danny tried to tell Bugs that Reggie was going away for life only Bugs didn’t want to hear it. He thinks he should have killed Reggie when he had the chance.

Also, the race to become District Attorney has gotten so bad that people found dirt on Crawford. They found out her husband was cheating on her. They were using that to claim she couldn’t control her own house and she shouldn’t be put in charge of others. And Crawford was denying the rumors, but she admitted they were true to Erin and so they shared a drink after a tough day.

Erin meanwhile arrested a stalker after following her partner’s hunch that the guy was a bad one.

Sunday Dinner that week had been full of love and laughter as they decided where to take a family vacation.


