D&D 5E - Mage Hand and the No Good, Low Down, Dirty Rotten Arcane Trickster | Page 3

Now, my player was a bit upset about my ruling and asked me to check around the boards. So, without further ado, I ask the august body of ENworlders: am I being too harsh on him?

And now for the point: I have ruled that the Arcane Trickster in my group will make any at distance Thievery checks using his Mage Hand at Disadvantage. My reasoning is A) Game balance, Mage Hand is a cantrip, the lowest level magic in the Game and B) there is absolutely no risk or drama if he makes every disable trap check or open locks check from 30ft away. I might as well never add a single trap to anything ever again.

Now, my player was a bit upset about my ruling and asked me to check around the boards. So, without further ado, I ask the august body of ENworlders: am I being too harsh on him?

