Graphic gay sex scene a big problem for Ewan McGregor/Jim Carrey film

Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey made a movie together called I Love You Phillip Morris. Its a true story about two prisoners who fall in love. Its called a comedy, but there are supposed to be some very Brokeback Mountain only in prison parts to it.


Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey made a movie together called I Love You Phillip Morris. It’s a true story about two prisoners who fall in love. It’s called a comedy, but there are supposed to be some very “Brokeback Mountain only in prison” parts to it.

Jim and Ewan were promoting the film in Sundance earlier this year, but the film still lacks a distributor. Some are pointing out the “graphic” gay sex scene ten minutes into the film. Apparently it’s a real problem, and the film may go straight to DVD.

Jim Carrey black comedy I Love You Phillip Morris may not get a US cinema release because it contains an explicit gay sex scene.

Despite securing distribution deals in the UK and Europe, US firms are uneasy with a love scene between Carrey and Ewan McGregor’s character Phillip Morris, reports The Times.

“The depiction of the sexual activity was far more than I’ve ever seen in a mainstream film with a mainstream celebrity,” said Lewis Tice, director of publicity and marketing for TLA Releasing. “There’s a graphic sex scene in the first 10 minutes that I was surprised to see.”

Filmmakers are re-cutting the movie for US distribution companies in an attempt to secure a theatrical release. If no agreement is reached, the movie will go straight to DVD.

“Mostly straight, multiplex-going audiences don’t want to see a romantic comedy in which two dudes get it on; unless it is meant as a joke,” commented Scott Stiffler, author of Why Hollywood Avoids Gay Movies.

I Love You Phillip Morris focuses on real-life con artist Steven Marshall (Carrey), who falls in love with his cellmate (McGregor).

[From Digital Spy]

As far as the comments made by “Scott Stiffler” (do you think that’s his real name?), I would love to see a movie where Ewan and Jim get it on. Jim Carrey is just incidental for me, just point me in the direction of Ewan dropping his clothes, and I’m there.

I don’t know if this film lacking a distribution deal is somehow part of a larger problem with how “gay issues” are treated in film, television and the media as a whole. Was Brokeback Mountain really the larger gay rights/gays-in-media success that it was billed as? Was Milk more about Sean Penn being a great actor rather than some bigger gay rights agenda? Or is I Love You Phillip Morris just a bad movie, and that’s why it probably won’t be released? I have no idea.


