Is Tommy Fleetwood related to Mick Fleetwood? Golfer's relationship with the musician explored

Although both are English, golfer Tommy Fleetwood and musician Mick Fleetwood have no family relationship. Both hail from locations more than 340 miles apart. Tommy Fleetwood was born in 1991 in Southport, Merseyside, in the center of England. Mick Fleetwood, on the other hand, was born in 1947 in Cornwall, in the southeast of the

Although both are English, golfer Tommy Fleetwood and musician Mick Fleetwood have no family relationship. Both hail from locations more than 340 miles apart.

Tommy Fleetwood was born in 1991 in Southport, Merseyside, in the center of England. Mick Fleetwood, on the other hand, was born in 1947 in Cornwall, in the southeast of the country. The two celebrities are not related in any way.

Mick Fleetwood (Image via Getty).

Fleetwood (the golfer) himself made this clear in a 2019 interview with ASAP Sports. On that occasion, the golfer said:

"I am a Fleetwood Mac [Mick's band] fan. I like the albums. No [not related to Mick]. I don't have any musical talents. I didn't pick up that one. But they are a very good band."

Mick Fleetwood is a renowned English musician, with a very long career that began in 1963 and extends to the present day. His main instrument is the drums, but he has explored all percussion in a general sense.

In 1967, he co-founded the band Fleetwood Mac, with which he moved into genres such as rock, pop rock, folk, and blues. The band broke up in 1995 and re-united two years later.

Among the main recognitions in his music career, the Grammy for Album of the Year in 1977 and the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2003 are the most prominent.

Tommy Fleetwood in The Open Championship

Tommy Fleetwood finished the first round of The Open Championship tied for first place after a great first day. He started the day quite well, with two birdies and a bogey on the front nine.

Tommy Fleetwood, The 151st Open Championship 2023 (Image via Getty).

However, it was on the back nine where he really brought out the amazing golf he has been playing lately. He scored four birdies, three of them in a row, with zero bogeys.

The second round of The Open is behaving similarly for Fleetwood as he finished the front nine with -1, due to a bogey on hole six.

However, starting the second half of the round, he recovered the lost stroke when he birdied the 10th hole. At the 11th hole, he played the round for even par, which gives him an overall score of -4 and keeps him at the top of the leaderboard.

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