Ivanka Trump Is A Nepotism Barbie For Critics As She Unveils With President Donald Trump Initi

First Daughter Ivanka Trump is facing some intense backlash on social media after she opted to be the face of President Donald Trumps latest initiative about skills-based hiring in the federal government.

First Daughter Ivanka Trump is facing some intense backlash on social media after she opted to be the face of President Donald Trump’s latest initiative about “skills-based” hiring in the federal government.

Friday, Mr. Trump signed a new executive order that prioritizes skills over college degrees. Ivanka Trump, who has only worked for her father in her career, was labeled a “Nepotism Barbie” by critics on social media as the #ByeIvanka hashtag dominated Twitter.

Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, are both senior advisers to the Republican president. Naysayers argue that they do no deserve in such a position and that nepotism is a real problem in the Trump administration.

The federal government is the largest employer in the country, and Ivanka Trump is a co-chair of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.


She said the following in a statement to the Associated Press: “We are modernizing federal hiring to find candidates with the relevant competencies and knowledge, rather than simply recruiting based on degree requirements. We encourage employers everywhere to take a look at their hiring practices and think critically about how initiatives like these can help diversify and strengthen their workforce.’”

Despite urging the private sector to follow suit, it is not clear if business leaders will support the administration in this area.

At the event with her dad, she said: “You are once again leading by example today with the EO signing. You are once again leading by example today with the EO signing. As the nation’s largest employer, we are always seeking to retain the best and the brightest to serve the American people. Today we’re taking that next step, as you mentioned, and signing an executive order that directs federal agencies to hire based on skills and knowledge not just outdated degree requirements. This will allow us to better recognize the talents and competencies of all Americans we hire.”

The president added: “The federal government will no longer be narrowly focused on where you went to school but the skills and the talents that you bring to the job.”


Critics went hard after the duo on social media. One of them stated: “So how does this help people who have spent 100k to get a master’s degree to switch careers but now won’t get a job because people with experience (old white people) can stay in their role or be hired??????”


Rumors have suggested in the past that Ivanka Trump is thinking about running for office in the future.

