Jessica Simpson on Lucky Mag: terrible Photoshop, or refreshingly curvy?

Various sites are already claiming that Jessica Simpson was Photoshopped to look slimmer on this Lucky Magazine September cover. I think its probably an interesting story, especially given that her profile excerpt includes her thoughts on body image, and obsessing on looking like the perfect Barbie type, and thats not always whats beautiful. Now, Im


Various sites are already claiming that Jessica Simpson was Photoshopped to look slimmer on this Lucky Magazine September cover. I think it’s probably an interesting story, especially given that her profile excerpt includes her thoughts on body image, and obsessing on “looking like the perfect Barbie type, and that’s not always what’s beautiful.” Now, I’m not saying that this photo of Jessica wasn’t ‘Shopped. It was, totally. But it could have been WAY worse. It’s nice to see someone with serious curves on a September cover, even if it’s only for budget Lucky Mag. And I really don’t think they ‘Shopped her body that much – the most glaring work I see is on her neck. Jessica doesn’t have this long, slender neck in real life, so they did some work there. Here’s the excerpt from the mag:

Jessica Simpson has undergone a noteworthy personal style evolution, inspired, she says, by coming to terms with some serious body issues over the course of the last year. She stopped fighting her hourglass silhouette, for instance, after realizing that “we all obsess over looking like the perfect Barbie type, and that’s not always what’s beautiful. It’s about making peace with yourself.”

This sea change came out of her globe-spanning journey for her VH1 show, The Price of Beauty—a trip that also provided the tools to diversify her wardrobe. “I encountered such vibrant colors,” says Simpson, recalling shopping excursions that yielded ethnic accessories way out of her casual-pretty comfort zone: ornate Indian bangles, leather bags from North Africa. “Morocco was a huge influence on me when it comes to jewelry and fashion,” she says. “You can’t help but want to buy caftans when you’re there!”

[From Lucky Magazine]

I agree, it is about “making peace with yourself”. I don’t know about you ladies, but I hit the wall at some point in mid-twenties, and I stopped giving a sh-t if I fit into my goal size. I started taking better care of myself, eating better and drinking more water, and beyond that, I just stopped caring and made peace with my curvy body type (which is a lot like Jessica’s, only my ass is bigger).

Okay, now that I’ve defended her, I have to hate on Lucky Mag for this terrible ‘Shop job on this one photo – this is not Jessica’s real body, at all. I really think they just put Jess’s head on another model’s body!


Lucky cover courtesy of HuffPo.

