Jordan Poole shuts down $500,000 Ice Spice date rumors after young fan puts him in a spot

Jordan Poole was rumored to have spent half a million dollars on a date with Ice Spice about six months ago. According to the rumor, Poole took her out shopping and bought her clothes from brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. He also reportedly bought her a new Mercedes Maybach Truck, as per The Rap

Jordan Poole was rumored to have spent half a million dollars on a date with Ice Spice about six months ago. According to the rumor, Poole took her out shopping and bought her clothes from brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. He also reportedly bought her a new Mercedes Maybach Truck, as per The Rap TV.

Poole hasn't addressed these rumors, and neither has Ice Spice. But the 2022 champion couldn't duck questions about this rumor for so long. It came when a young fan put the Washington Wizards player in a spot during a fan interaction session.

"Is the Ice Spice thing true?" the young fan asked out of nowhere.

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The former Warriors star received significant flak for these rumors. Rapper Cam'ron's rant about the situation went viral, too. Cam'ron called out Poole because he was in the middle of an underwhelming playoff run with the Warriors.

"You’re a munch and you’re playing like a f**king munch," Cam'ron said on his podcast. "This is not you from last year, bro. Go back to Milwaukee and figure it the f**k out and get back in the playoffs ’cause you look crazy."

Jordan Poole had averaged 10.3 points per game on 34.1% shooting from the floor.

Jordan Poole's struggles have followed in Washington

Jordan Poole's shocking trade to the Washington Wizards was expected to be a positive move for him. However, Poole hasn't particularly managed to seize the opportunity. Poole's inefficient play has been in the limelight. The fifth-year guard has averaged 17.6 points, 2.0 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 3.0 turnovers per game across five appearances.

Poole has shot 41.8%, including 30.3% from deep, the worst mark since his rookie season. Washington is 1-4 for the season. Many predicted Poole to have a breakout like James Harden did when he moved to the Houston Rockets. Poole finally got the chance to lead the offense and start consistently, which wasn't the case in Golden State.

Poole's approach has been laidback during games. He has attempted no-look 3-pointers (that he missed) or over-dribbled and lost the ball cheaply. The 'Shaqtin' moments are piling up for him, which is something he can certainly look to control.

Fortunately for Jordan Poole, he still has time to make a resurgent return and play to his potential. He just needs to stick to the basics and become more disciplined with his game to flourish again.

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