Mena Suvari bikini pictures

I have to say Mena Suvari rocks the bald look. And for some weird reason, it doesnt make her huge forehead look bigger, which you would think would be the natural result. The actress shaved her head for her role in The Garden of Eden, an upcoming film based on the Ernest Hemmingway book. Some

I have to say Mena Suvari rocks the bald look. And for some weird reason, it doesn’t make her huge forehead look bigger, which you would think would be the natural result. The actress shaved her head for her role in “The Garden of Eden,” an upcoming film based on the Ernest Hemmingway book. Some women can really pull off this look – it just depends on individual features and jaw structure, I think. Oh, and a lack of crazy eyes and umbrellas being wielded.

“Mena, 28, has sacrificed her blonde mane for her latest project ‘The Garden Of Eden’ – the film version of the Ernest Hemmingway novel. In doing so she follows in the footsteps of fellow screen sirens Natalie Portman, Demi Moore and Sigourney Weaver, who have all shorn their locks in the past for the sake of film roles.

“In the movie Mena plays Catherine, the wife of a successful young American writer who is on an extended honeymoon in Europe. Becoming restless, her character decides to test her new husband’s devotion with a series of trials, including, presumably, shaving her head.

”Luckily for the pretty star, she has the delicate features to be able to successfully carry off the short-haired look. And with the shooting of the drama now over, the style has already started to grow into a fetching blonde crop.”

[From Hello Magazine]

I wonder who Britney Spears thought she was testing when she got all uppity and shaved her hair. I’m pretty sure everyone failed, and stopped loving her, based on the reactions. Correction: they continued not to love her. Few people were big fans at that point anyway. I think Mena looks amazing, and I’m glad she’s not covering up the bald. When you know someone’s done that, all you do is wonder what it really looks like. I really would give my left arm to see Britney without the wigs. I think Mena would look a bit better without the bug glasses, but I’m slow to adapt to fashion trends. She has some awesome curves. Now I can see why Kevin Spacey had that crush on her. Enjoy the bikini pics.

