Modern Warfare 2 Team Deathmatch

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2nd Beta week is currently live and fans are trying out the new multiplayer title. This beta phase opened up the game for PC and Xbox platforms for the first time. This beta phase will be available for PlayStation 4 and 5 users as well.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2nd Beta week is currently live and fans are trying out the new multiplayer title. This beta phase opened up the game for PC and Xbox platforms for the first time. This beta phase will be available for PlayStation 4 and 5 users as well.

There are multiple game modes available in the Beta right now, and one of the most iconic modes is Team Deathmatch. It is a fan-favorite low-stakes mode for fans to enjoy and a perfect way to warm up for some serious Modern Warfare 2 matches.

This article will be a brief discussion on how players can utilize the most out of the Team Deathmatch game mode.

Modern Warfare 2 Team Deathmatch

Modern Warfare 2 has entered its 2nd Beta week with an all-time classic Team Deathmatch. It is a fast-paced game mode and properly tests out new combinations of attachments, equipment, and perk packages. Players can enjoy short matches and quickly gain XP in order to level up through the progression and unlock newer weapons, killstreaks, equipment, and even weapons.

Navigating to Team Deathmatch

Players will first need to boot the game and land on the opening page. After that, they should follow the steps listed below:

  • Click on the top right Heads-Up Display on the multi-tab icon.
  • Click on home.
  • Hover over the “Quick Play” option and it will prompt a “Filter” button.
  • Select Team Deathmatch.
  • Go back to the home menu and click “Quick Play” again to start queueing for the selected game mode.

The party size for a Team Deathmatch is one to six players. Both teams can have a maximum of six players on the map. Maps that are currently available for Team Deathmatch - Farm 18, Mercado las Armas, and Breenbergh Hotel.

Weapon Choice for Team Deathmatch

Players can equip loadouts according to their own preference, considering that Team Deathmatch is a casual game mode meant to familiarize players with the weapon and movement mechanics.

These matches are usually fast-paced and a quick means to earn XP for faster progression leveling. Players can run around the map in such modes and it is better to use an SMG class weapon and a shotgun paired together. Sudden enemy encounters call for hip-fire accuracy and faster fire rate.

The shotgun can be used as a means to hold off players rushing corners while the primary weapon needs a reload.

Tactical and Lethal Equipment

Utilities can play a major role in any game. They can be used to initiate on enemy players or to make a path to retreat inside cover. It is crucial to have reliable tools in such situations. There are plenty of players who enjoy flanking their enemies and getting kills onto unsuspecting people from behind in Modern Warfare 2.

A Flash Grenade or a Smoke Grenade can be utilized as tactical equipment along with a Proximity Mine in the lethal slot. The Proximity Mine can act as a deterrent in taking out such flankers.

Modern Warfare 2 is in its beta phase and players will surely encounter some quirks while playing the new title. However, Team Deathmatch provides a carefree version of the game to experience and understand how the game works and how it is different from its predecessors.

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