Pokemon GO Safari Zone: Singapore 2022 Timed Research

Pokemon GO's Safari Zoneevent is finally here, and it will run until Sunday, November 20, 2022, at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. While not every trainer will be able to fly out to Singapore to attend it, Niantic will be implementing a global release for commemorative timed research events, allowing trainers around the world

Pokemon GO's Safari Zoneevent is finally here, and it will run until Sunday, November 20, 2022, at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore.

While not every trainer will be able to fly out to Singapore to attend it, Niantic will be implementing a global release for commemorative timed research events, allowing trainers around the world to compete for rewards.

Players may want to prepare for these events beforehand to avoid wasting too much time. Thankfully, Leekduck, a trusted leaker for all things Pokemon GO, has revealed each objective.

So what can trainers expect to see from this upcoming release of objectives? What rewards will they get for completing each task? Will trainers across the globe be able to see the new shiny Pokemon debuting during the regionally-exclusive occurrence?

Shiny Purrloin at the center of Pokemon GO's Safari Zone timed research

Purrloin as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

The first thing to note when it comes to Pokemon GO Safari Zone: Singapore 2022 is what it intends to introduce. Following the drop of the in-person event and timed research tasks, shiny Purrloin and its evolution, Liepard, will be available for trainers to encounter and capture.

The reward that trainers will earn for each Safari Zone timed research is a chance encounter with Unova's resident cat Pokemon. However, what will Niantic require these trainers to do in order to acquire these encounters?

To put it simply, the only thing players need to do to earn everything Pokemon GO's Safari Zone timed research has to offer is walk. Traveling a total of five kilometers by foot will reward players with everything they can expect to earn: six encounters with Purrloin, 1,000 profile XP, and 1,000 Stardust.

This is one of the easiest timed research tasks that Niantic has ever brought into Pokemon GO. However, given that the rewards are encounters with a fairly common Pokemon and just a pinch of Stardust, it remains an even trade.

Niantic likely included such a simple wave of quests as a way to give trainers in lesser populated areas a chance to catch the new shiny Purrloin.

Overall, Pokemon GO's new wave of globally available timed research tasks is relatively lackluster compared to the ones given out in the past. Considering the grand prize is nothing more than six encounters and a sneeze of Stardust, it is entirely up to players to determine whether or not they are worth the effort.

It is also possible that trainers could accidentally complete these research tasks, given how fluidly they transfer into common gameplay and Adventure Sync.

Apart from the research tasks and shiny Purrloin encounters, Pokemon Air Adventures–themed stickers will also be available to all trainers globally. They were made available on November 11, 2022, at 8:00 am local time, and players have until November 20, 2022, 8:00 pm local time, to get them.

Those interested in the Safari Zone event in Singapore can purchase tickets from Niantic's website. A ticket will give trainers access to gameplay within the event space from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm on their preferred day.

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