Suitable characters, Stats, and passive abilities explained

Skyward Blade is a 5-star sword in Genshin Impact. It is part of the Skyward Series, bearing the same color as the other weapons in the series. The weapon offers Energy Recharge as its Secondary Stat, with a small amount of Crit Rate on its passive. The weapon's secondary stat is most suitable for characters

Skyward Blade is a 5-star sword in Genshin Impact. It is part of the Skyward Series, bearing the same color as the other weapons in the series.

The weapon offers Energy Recharge as its Secondary Stat, with a small amount of Crit Rate on its passive. The weapon's secondary stat is most suitable for characters that rely on their Elemental Burst.

Skyward Blade in Genshin Impact: Stats and Passive

Let's take a look at the stats of Skyward Blade in Genshin Impact:

  • Base attack: 46
  • Base Secondary Stat: 12% Energy Recharge
  • Maximum attack: 608
  • Maximum secondary stat: 55.1% Energy Recharge

Passive: Crit Rate increased by 4/5/6/7/8%. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and increases the DMG of Normal and Charged Attack hits by 20/25/30/35/40% for 12s.

The passive of Skyward Blade in Genshin Impact can only be optimized by DPS characters that will often use their Normal or Charged Attack on the field. Although this contradicts its Energy Recharge secondary stat, the weapon can still perform greatly for several characters.

Skyward Blade in Genshin Impact: Suitable characters

1. Genshin Impact Skyward Blade on Jean

Jean with Skyward Blade (Image via Grunty Gaming, YouTube)

Skyward Blade is the best sword if players are building their Jean as a healer. The high basic attack will amplify her healing, and the Energy Recharge secondary stat will allow Jean to use her burst more often.

Jean's burst offers a massive amount of healing, along with a cleansing effect that will come in handy in the late game.

2. Genshin Impact Skyward Blade on Bennett

Bennett with Skyward Blade (Image via izee, YouTube)

Bennett is mostly used for his burst, where players will be able to gain an enormous amount of attack buff. For this job, Bennett is highly reliant on weapons that have high base attack.

Skyward Blade offers both high base attack, and Energy Recharge, allowing Bennett to frequently use his burst.

3. Genshin Impact Skyward Blade on Xingqiu

Xingqiu with Skyward Blade (Image via Hyoudachi, YouTube)

Xingqiu is one of the best support in the game. He offers protection with his "Rain Sword" skill, and he also offers offense with his "Rain Cutter" burst.

His burst is one of the best reaction supports, where he constantly applies hydro on the enemy. For Xingqiu to be at his top potential, players should ensure Xingqiu always has his burst ready whenever the cooldown ends. Therefore, Skyward Blade is a great choice for Xingqiu.

Skyward Blade can be obtained from either the Standard Banner or the Epitome Invocation weapons banner.

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