Top 5 beautiful and funny quotes by Minecraft streamer Dream

Ever since COVID-19 took over, Minecraft YouTuber Clay "Dream" has gained a lot of popularity. He now stands at an amazing 23.4 million subscribers on YouTube, and that number continues to rise every day.

Ever since COVID-19 took over, Minecraft YouTuber Clay "Dream" has gained a lot of popularity. He now stands at an amazing 23.4 million subscribers on YouTube, and that number continues to rise every day.

Since his start in 2014, he has been providing fans with tons of content. Whether it be through his YouTube videos, streams or even appearing in his friends' streams, Dream has made fans everywhere smile and laugh.

While he made for a name for himself owing to the Dream SMP and speedrunning content, his words have played a crucial part in endearing himself to his fans.

Brimming with witty quotes that verge on being inspirational, Dream doesn't shy away from expressing himself.

Minecraft Streamer Dream Quotes

5) A classic...

"C'mere George!"

Known for his 'Manhunt' videos in which he attempts to beat Minecraft while 4 of his are trying to hunt him down, Dream certainly has no shortage of funny one-liners. Despite being a memorable quote from his 'Manhunt' exploits on Minecraft, Dream has extensively used these words across his usual gameplay streams as well.

4) One that gets fans every time

"Boohoo Cracker"

Following Minecraft Championship 8, Georgenotfound found himself complaining about one of the events. Consequently, Dream and George ended up bickering before the former threw out this iconic zinger, "Loose fair and square, boohoo cracker". It's safe to say that fans were left in stitches and the quote has been immortalized in the Minecraft community.

3) A very simple inspirational saying

"Why sad? Happy!"

While streaming a laidback Minecraft speedrunning session, someone donated to Dream with a simple word - "sad". Having noticed it, Dream chimed in with, "Why sad? Happy!" in a somewhat encouraging tone.

Dream, through his Minecraft streams, is known for uplifting his fans with reassuring words, and this was yet another simple but profound statement.

2) A quote for those going through tough times

"You have to persevere. If you're going through something, don't think about the fact that you're going to lose or that you can't take it. Think about the fact that you are going to make it, because you have to push through it, because you will persevere. You will end up being the winner, the champion - you'll end up being happy, you'll end up living out your life and your dreams and your family, and everything. Think about the smiles on your faces, on your friends faces when you persevere, and don't think about the fact that you can't take it at the moment."

This is a rather long quote but certainly emblematic of Dream's personality. After beating Minecraft on stream, Dream, Georgenotfound and Sapnap celebrated their win as Dream commemorated their achievement with another iconic rant.

But it didn't end there with a donation requesting him to share some encouraging words for those having a tough time in their lives. He certainly delivered with these poignant yet powerful words.

1) A reminder that liking something does not make you weird!

Image via YouTube
"Never let someone tell you something you genuinely enjoy is weird. They're the weird ones for caring so much about what you enjoy."

Serving as a reminder about embracing your passions and interests, it's incredibly germane and impactful. In today's society, one can feel derided for expressing their interests and opinions regardless of genres.

Stepping up to the plate, Dream etched his name in the annals of online streaming with this iconic quote. Brimming with emotions, embracing one's passions unabashedly formed the crux behind his words.

Dream's message reached far and wide with this quote appearing on various social platforms. Offering encouraging words and bringing smiles to faces is one of the many reasons why Dream is so widely loved and cherished on Minecraft.

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