Who is Dell Curry's new wife? Looking at Steph Curry's father's 2nd marriage

Dell Curry recently opened up about his second marriage. Curry told the Charlotte Observer that he wasn't planning on getting remarried so soon after his divorce, but he is happy with his decision:

Dell Curry recently opened up about his second marriage. Curry told the Charlotte Observer that he wasn't planning on getting remarried so soon after his divorce, but he is happy with his decision:

"Yes. It’s great. ... I didn’t know what I was gonna do (after the divorce). I wasn’t going to get married again. But life is great right now. It couldn’t be better. For me, I’m at a great place in my life. My home situation is sound. My kids and their families are doing great. They’re happy for me. I’m happy for them. So life’s good."

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Curry and his ex-wife Sonya were married for 33 years and raised three kids together: Stephen, Seth and Sydel. After a rather public and ugly divorce in 2021, Curry remarried within a year, and he claims to be quite happy.

The Charlotte Hornets legend, who calls their games on local television, said the wedding was extremely low-key, as the media was unaware of the event. Even his kids, including Steph Curry, didn't upload any pictures of the ceremony.

Dell Curry's new wife is Nicki Smith. They were seen together during the 2022 NBA Finals when Steph Curry torched the Boston Celtics en route to his fourth championship.

According to various sources, Nicki is the former spouse of retired NFL tight end Steven Johnson. Dell Curry allegedly accused Sonya of cheating on him with Johnson during their court proceedings. Sonya, in turn, leveled similar accusations against the former Hornets guard, though it is unclear if Nicki is the woman in question here.

Nicki Smith prefers to stay low-profile, and has not entertained any interviews since getting together with Dell Curry.

Dell Curry's new wife met him through mutual friends

Dell Curry (right) with his children after Steph Curry (middle) won the American Century Championship

During his interview with the Charlotte Observer, Dell Curry mentioned that he came close to quitting his job as the Charlotte Hornets color commentator and moving to the West Coast to be near his children.

His eldest son, Steph Curry, is a Golden State Warriors legend, his younger son, Seth Curry, plays for the Dallas Mavericks, and his daughter, Sydel Curry-Lee, is married to Damion Lee, who plays for the Phoenix Suns.

However, he decided against moving and stayed in North Carolina. He said he met his new wife because of this decision after mutual friends introduced them.

He told the Observer:

"I thought about going to the West Coast. I’m like, 'Nah, I’m not gonna follow my sons. I’m going to stick it out. Hang here.' And then, I had friends who introduced me to my wife now. I’d met her a couple of times. We talked on the phone for a month before I laid eyes on her. I’m like: 'Oh, I like this girl, man. What’s going on here?'"

Dell Curry's new wife is expected to be in the spotlight after marrying into a star-studded and public family.

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