Your horoscope for the month of December 2023 is here

Find out what the month of December has in store for your star sign. Aries (March 20 April 19) This month finds you reaching for the stars, Aries! Embrace enthusiasm every step of the way and live your life to the fullest. Whether youre booking that long-craved holiday, enrolling in a skill-enhancing course, or

Find out what the month of December has in store for your star sign.

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

This month finds you reaching for the stars, Aries! Embrace enthusiasm every step of the way and live your life to the fullest. Whether you’re booking that long-craved holiday, enrolling in a skill-enhancing course, or diving into a pursuit outside your comfort zone, remember that the stars are on your side – just be mindful not to stretch yourself too thin financially. As the new moon graces us on December 13th, it’s an opportune time for a planning session in anticipation of 2024. You’ll likely feel inspired, so allow yourself time to dream big and set audacious goals. Consider your responsibilities and career as you move into the new year. Mercury’s retrograde cycle, alongside the full moon on December 27th, urges you to reassess your commitments. Remember, success often lies closer to home than we think. By reprioritising your daily actions in alignment with your long-term desires, you’ll likely gain a significant edge.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Change, and how to embrace it, has always been an interesting topic with you Taurus. While your zodiac sign is often associated with stubbornness, I would challenge that view and instead suggest that you prefer to do things on your own timeline. This expansive month has you delving into your internal world, fostering depth, evolution and self-discovery. It’s not about rapid change but about honouring the process. Around the new moon on December 13th, you’re likely to gain new insights on how to incorporate a fresh vision for 2024 and embrace change in a systematic way. As Mercury retrogrades mid-month, expect themes to emerge related to your beliefs and the possibilities that lie ahead. This becomes particularly significant as the full moon on December 27th illuminates matters in these areas. Stay curious, and challenge any inflexible thinking as the revelations this month will ultimately shape the direction you’re heading in.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Are the interactions you’re having with others leaving you feeling fulfilled, Gemini? This month places your relationships and partnerships in the spotlight, and with an abundance of expansive energy in anticipation of the new year it’s time to reassess who you want by your side in 2024. Seeking out meaningful connections can bring a renewed sense of enthusiasm to this area. The new moon on December 13th is a particularly abundant time for social interactions. Attend an event or gather with friends to make the most of it. As your ruler Mercury begins its retrograde journey mid-month, it prompts a shift in gears for the remainder of 2023. Take some time for introspection, especially concerning shared resources and partnerships. This process is likely to bring to light information that was previously overlooked. Additionally, the stars will provide one final nudge at this month’s full moon on December 27th to help you gain a deeper understanding of what truly matters to achieve unwavering satisfaction.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You’re likely riding an energetic wave and feeling motivated this month, Cancer. Whether you’re pushing to reach the year-end goals, or feeling inspired to get a head start in anticipation of 2024, harness this energy to your advantage. Just be mindful of not overdoing it, as this month offers the opportunity to infuse more joy into your daily routines and cultivate optimism. During the new moon on December 13th, pay attention to how you bridge the gap between your long-term aspirations and the finer details of how you’re going to get there. Your imagination is your superpower and taking some time for yourself can allow you to see life through a new lens. As the month progresses, so does the build-up to your annual full moon in Cancer on December 27th. It’s a significant moment that illuminates what’s worth changing, paving the way for you to achieve your ultimate desires in the year ahead.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If last month dampened your fiery spirit, Leo, get ready for a reversal this month that will likely catapult you into a new sense of enthusiasm and confidence. If there have been delays in your projects, or you’ve felt a lack of your usual magnetism, use this month to turn the page and reimagine what the future holds in 2024 and beyond. Taking a creative risk could be just the thing you need around the new moon on December 13th. Your zone of self-expression and leisure is in the spotlight, so harness this surge of energy and use it to your advantage. However, be mindful of the shift in pace in the second half of the month with Mercury retrograding mid-month and the build-up to the final full moon of 2023 on December 27th. Stay diligent and assess your intentions daily, as with a little refinement, you’ll likely identify areas for improvement and implement changes for ongoing satisfaction.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Is the atmosphere of your home environment inspiring you, Virgo? Matters move closer to home this month and if you can transform your home into a place of expansion, you’ll likely birth some of your greatest ideas in anticipation of the new year ahead. The new moon on December 13th will encourage you to create a space that supports your inner world. Consider setting up a meditation corner, a reading nook, or an area that promotes your emotional wellbeing, even if it’s a temporary sanctum to conjure your future aspirations. Your ruler, Mercury, begins its retrograde cycle mid-month, but there’s no need to fret. This period may lead you to rediscover a passion or interest you’d forgotten about, review a creative project, or clear up miscommunications in a romantic relationship. Use the full moon on December 27th to spend time with friends, as connection is likely to herald unexpected opportunities and a burst of fulfilment before 2023 comes to an end.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This month brings you immense stimulation, diverse perspectives, and a heightened focus on communication, Libra. You’ll likely be in search of broadening your mental horizons; just be mindful not to lose your sense of balance. Prioritise connection, social engagements, new experiences, and any opportunities to take short courses that align with your curiosity. The new moon on December 13th encourages you to approach life with a balance of freedom. Dive into inspirational topics for a boost of optimism, and let this energy positively cascade into your intentions for 2024. The Mercury retrograde cycle this month will influence your zone of home and family, with themes likely to be present at the full moon on December 27th. Use the second half of the month to reflect on your home environment – whether it’s the physical space, routines, or the overall atmosphere. Make any necessary changes to start afresh in anticipation of the powerful new year that awaits.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This month shines a light on your financial wellbeing Scorpio, offering you an opportunity to reflect on how your values align with your future aspirations. It’s a favourable time to expand your skills and talents, ultimately enhancing your earning potential. Consider making adjustments or investments around this month’s new moon on December 13th. Take a bold step that supports your confidence, setting a positive course for the future. The lead-up to this month’s full moon on December 27th, flavoured with the cosmic influence of Mercury retrograde, is likely to provide profound insights. This moment marks a culmination point with your beliefs, and signals whether adjustments are needed to ensure that 2024 is a year worth remembering. Break down any issues into manageable steps and find practical solutions. This way, you’ll have a clear view of the entire forest through the trees, making success feel attainable and not so far out of reach.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Nothing is likely to dim your light right now Sagittarius, because your solar return is finally here – happiest of birthdays! This month marks a new beginning and a fresh start, prompting you to focus on your individual identity, strengths, and overall wellbeing. Let your personality shine, whether it’s planning birthday celebrations with friends, making moves in your career, or refining the way you present yourself to the world. Your annual new moon in Sagittarius graces the sky on December 13th, adding significance to this new chapter. The caveat is to avoid going overboard, as this could lead to hitting a wall towards the end of the month. The full moon on December 27th sheds light on your emotional landscape, and any self-reflection during this time will positively impact your wellbeing. Set aside some time before 2024 hits to pinpoint any patterns that have been holding you back, in anticipation of making the new year your best one yet!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

It’s not just the final month of the year Capricorn; this month also marks the end of a cycle. As the sun resides in the constellation of Sagittarius, it presents a window of time for you to reassess your year and reimagine the new one with your birthday just around the corner. Utilise this month for inner reflection and fostering greater self-awareness that will lead to personal growth. Consider booking a float therapy session, engaging in a sound bath meditation, or spending time in nature around this month’s new moon on December 13th. Your intuitive instincts will be heightened, perfectly timed for an emerging new year vision. If you find yourself caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, be aware that two potent astrological influences, Mercury retrograde and this month’s full moon on December 27th, will both reside in your zodiac sign. You’re likely to feel these influences more than most, so prioritise ending the year with peace and tranquillity.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is a fortunate time of the year for you Aquarius, so use this month to envision your hopes, goals, wishes and dreams for 2024 and beyond. Keep an eye out for connections that can support your aspirations, whether through collaborations, networking opportunities, or strengthening existing friendships. You never know who might be the one to help you rise to the top. If you haven’t set any goals or intentions for the year ahead, take some time out to do so around this month’s new moon on December 13th. Your forward-thinking approach to life is a superpower, so consider how your unique skills and passions can make a positive impact on a broader scale. The full moon on December 27th is a favourable time to overhaul your routines, questioning what’s working and what’s not. Evaluate your daily self-care rituals, including diet, exercise, and relaxation practices, and consider how you can enhance your wellbeing to end the year on a high.

More Coverage

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Are you reaping the rewards of what you’ve sown this month Pisces, or is it time to carve out a new path? Showcasing your talents and demonstrating confidence can attract positive attention and opportunities, so be on the lookout. With the expansive nature of this month, and the new moon on December 13th illuminating your zone of ambition and success, it’s an opportune time to set intentions related to your career aspirations. Assess whether taking a course, attending a workshop, or engaging in activities that broaden your knowledge and expertise align with your dreams for 2024. Make any necessary adjustments, but avoid making any rash decisions. If you have passion projects or creative ventures close to your heart, use this month’s full moon on December 27th to reflect on your dedication to these pursuits. Consider how your creative endeavours align with your emotional fulfilment and bring a sense of purpose to your life. Allow your heart to lead the way into a magical new year ahead.

Kristy Gray is an Astrologer who helps you attain your desires using the power of your stars. Through her signature formula, Astrostrategy®, Kristy combines essential tools, profound insights, and empowering actions to help you gain momentum and step into your potential. Ready to explore astrology for deeper self-exploration? Your celestial initiation starts here.

